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Pride 2022.  
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Pride Month (LGBT Pride Month) is celebrated annually in June, although in Wakefield it is hosted in August to honor the 1969 Stonewall riots, and works to achieve equal justice and equal opportunity for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ). Pride month started in America however is not honored throughout nations of the world. 
Today, celebrations include pride parades, picnics, parties, workshops, symposia, and concerts. LGBTQ Pride Month events attract millions of participants around the world. Memorials are held during this month for those members of the community who have been lost to hate crimes or HIV/AIDS. The purpose of the commemorative month is to recognize the impact that LGBTQ individuals have had on history locally, nationally, and internationally. 
Wakefield LGBT Pride begun as Wakefield Pride not Prejudice and originated from a request from the LGBT youth group Fruitbowl to organise an LGBT Pride event in Wakefield. An article placed in the now defunct Yorkshire Queer Magazine SHOUT asked for volunteers to meet at the MESMAC offices in January 2005 and the committee was formed and was developed in conjunction with Wakefield Council, the Primary Care Trusts, the West Yorkshire Police Authority, the owners of two local gay venues in the city, VOX, the Men’s Sexual Health Project (MESMAC) and members of the gay community. 
Pride Wakefield 22 was hosted on Sunday 14th August, events took place all around Wakefield such as parades, festivals, and a community coming together with good food, drink and music. 
Academy Care decorated it's office window, while staff members visited the pride event and other staff members supported our service users taking part in the day.  
We even run into users of our service who were there with families and friends. 
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